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Molti prodotti proposti e molto finiture, infatti, vengono realizzate appositamente per la clientela, poiché nemmeno il produttore tiene tutti gli articoli in pronta consegna.
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Come potete notare le finiture sono talmente tante e le forme sono così variabili che la scelta è vastissima, per ogni esigenza!
Types of mixers on the market
- traditional. Water is supplied by two independent knobs
- con valvola miscelatrice. La quantità di acqua erogata e la temperatura sono regolati da un unico comando. Per questo sono anche detti monocomando, tipicamente a leva.
- thermostats. These are taps equipped with a special device that allows the temperature level to be fixed for as long as the water is open.
- automatic. These are the mixers equipped with a photocell that only dispense water when they 'see' movement close to the tap. They are typical of shopping centres and service areas.
- Hydroprogressives. They are characterised by a single control that allows you to switch from a small supply of cold water to an increased amount of hot water with the rotation of the control lever.
What is inside a mixer? What is the tap cartridge?
Externally, the mixer looks like a steel or other material body, usually surmounted by a lever. In fact, this is the classic case of single lever mixers. The 'secret' of this type of mixer, however, lies in the element inside, called the cartridge.
In effect, the cartridge is the plastic device that enables mixing. In fact, at the base of the tap come the hot and cold water pipes, which push the water into the cartridge. It is equipped with a series of ceramic discs that allow the water to be mixed. At the end is a single water outlet and normally a pin that engages inside the control lever.
Recommended mixer maintenance
As many people know, water for domestic use can contain a certain amount of mineral salts and metals, some of which are natural and some from the water pipes. These can naturally settle inside the water mixing systems, which are of course at the end of the supply circuit.
Therefore, after renovations and in any case before fitting new taps, it is advisable to clean the system to remove residues accumulated over time. In fact, any grains of sand or stones that settle in the discs of the mixer cartridge risk ruining it and not allowing the optimal supply of water.
Another tip for a constant water supply is to monitor the state of use and consumption of the mixer's jet breaker, also known as the aerator or water breaker. It is in this part that many residues accumulate. Cleaning or replacing it helps to have a precise and comfortable jet.
Trick to adjust hot water to the ideal seasonal temperature and save gas
Often the hot water mixer is oriented at half the maximum possible temperature, so as not to scald. This is certainly a practical behaviour, which is specifically possible quickly thanks to single-lever mixers. Despite this, however, it is not the most efficient choice.
In fact, the incoming hot water from the boiler, with a three-quarter opening, as in the example above, involves mixing hot water with cold water. Which means that the boiler has heated the hot water to a higher temperature than desired.
Benché molte caldaie abbiano la possibilità di modulare la temperatura dell’acqua desiderata, spesso però questo non è il massimo dell’efficienza. Infatti per modulazione si intende che la temperatura di erogazione dell’acqua da parte della caldaia viene limitata rispetto al potenziale massimo possibile, per usare meno gas. Ciononostante, la modulazione avviene sulla base della temperatura impostate sulla caldaia stessa.
Per efficientare al massimo questo aspetto, forniamo un piccolo trucco. In ogni stagione dell’anno, valutate la temperatura massima che vorreste per l’acqua di uso sanitario, orientando alla massima apertura l’acqua calda dal miscelatore. Se l’acqua diventa bollente, si può ridurre la temperatura. Il segreto è questo! Regolare l’acqua calda della caldaia al massimo desiderato e aprire il miscelatore sempre al massimo quando si vuole quel livello di temperatura. In questo modo, la caldaia lavorerà alla temperatura che desiderate e non dovrete miscelare con acqua fredda! In effetti, in inverno si può volere acqua più calda mentre estate acqua meno calda… pertanto non ha senso chiedere alla caldaia sempre la stessa temperatura per poi “sprecare” il calore generato!